Versión Española Irefrea
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Drug Use and Its Relationship to Other Behavior Disorders and Maladjustment Signs Among Adolescents.
Calafat, A., Amengual, M., Palmer, A., and Saliba, C.
(1997) Substance Use and Misuse, 32 (1), 1-24.


Based on a representative sample of 1,312 students between 13 and 19 years of age from Mallorca, Spain, the authors used 19 variables from an anonymous questionnaire to define three groups of problems frequently found in adolescents (depression, deviant behavior, and drug use).

Variables included seven drug use items, six depressive manifestation items, and six antisocial or deviant behavior items. Statistical analysis was accomplished using a multiple correspondence analysis program. This program spatially distributed implicated variables in accordance with mutual relationships established between them. Findings revealed a close relationship between drug use and deviant behavior which had no link to depressive symptoms. Relationships were observed between deviant behavior and sleeping difficulties, enuresis, weight problems, and family difficulties. The authors conclude there is a network of connections associated with problems experienced by adolescents and their families. Further research is recommended to determine why acting out behavior is related to drug use but depression is not. 37 references, 7 tables, and 2 figures

Index terms: Juvenile delinquency factors ; Students ; Mental disorders ; Deviance ; Juvenile drug abusers ; Juvenile psychological evaluation ; Foreign juvenile delinquency ; Spain.




